Forums - Who's better Iceman or Ironman Show all 32 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Who's better Iceman or Ironman ( Posted by *Dp on 04:03:2001 03:48 AM: Okay, well I'm going to say Ironman cause he can put up a fight against cable his Fierce Uni-beam (which does as much damage as an icebeam which is 5% when blocked and about 2% more when point blank) can't be AHVB'd he has flight but for some reason whenever you cancel flight in a curtain situations your vulnurable to attacks anyone know why? Then IM has the infinite which you have to watch out for.Let's not forget about his AC that gives as much damage as a unglitched Juggy headcrush(4 hits) which is 58 set on damage 2 settings. So that's my opinion on the two. So who do you think is better? Posted by BrazilionBH on 04:03:2001 03:56 AM: yes ,ironman is not only better for several reasons he also looks cool and has superior technology. Posted by BrazilionBH on 04:03:2001 03:59 AM: and also he can go into his infinite from a dash down air come it is sort of like all of the others. Posted by *Dp on 04:03:2001 04:00 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrazilionBH yes ,ironman is not only better for several reasons he also looks cool and has superior technology. Not to flame you or anything, but could you give few reasons why he's better in the game rather than spamming. thanks Posted by WhiTe ReFlection on 04:03:2001 04:10 AM: assist wise...i think iceman is better... since the icebeam comes out faster than solar also does a good chipping damage. iceman is also faster and his no block damage! Posted by Iceman on 04:03:2001 06:25 AM: Iceman (lol, for this post, ignore my nickname). Iron Man puts up a great fight against Cable, and can beat him. Iceman can't beat Cable if he actually has to fight him. But, Iceman beats Blackheart and Doom as a point (Iron Man doesn't do). Iceman's assist is better thanks to speed. Also head to head, the advantage goes to Iceman. People forget Iceman's speed and his s.roundhouse stops ground dash-ins (should you actually see any). That and an air combo properly canceled into arctic attack does 80pts of damage, something IM doesn't match w/o the infinite. Personally, I think these are the top two second tier characters, but I think Iceman is better because he has more favorable match-ups the even Iron Man. Posted by on 04:03:2001 06:37 AM: Iron Man is better for a number of reasons, a better anti jump in attack, the Smart Bombs, air dash, a better super, an INFINITE. Posted by *Dp on 04:03:2001 06:47 AM: Iceman(the poster lol) :Ironman I think has a decent chance against BH (SJ Smartbombs wait for inferno block it as it first hits then airdash out of the second hit) if you mess up sure you may get inferno'd but Smartbombs if timed right will stop him from doing anything BESIDES that or you can do SJ up (when given the chance) SB's fly airdash down Fierce Uni-beam BH is simply to slow to avoid it.If he SJ's and Blocks the SB's then wait until he comes down and time another fierce uni-beam.The infinite on BH is just about worthless with him being the heaviest character in the game. Posted by REALPLAYER on 04:03:2001 07:21 AM: If I had seen this yesterday, I would have said Iron Man hands down. But after playing my gaming buddy today, his Iceman is improving and I have to say that Iceman is a little better than everyone thinks he is for one main reason....HE'S FAST!!!!! He seems to be just as fast as Cammy at times! He's a fast character with projectiles, therefore he can switch up in between rushdown and keep-away, given the situation. He goes well with Blacky-b and/or Storm-y. All day, I just kept on running into his friggin' c.roundhouse launcher, this thing surprisingly has a crap load of priority and deceptive range. Against ground rushes, all he has to do is jump back and throw the snowball (d.fierce), which Iceman can dash in afterwards and do a ground combo. By the way, I was using Mag/Cable/Cyclops. Despite the fact that we were playing on the Dreamcast, we know how each other plays, and I can't play as well on DC as well as the arcade (no friggin' Tempest/AHVB combos,grrrr!), I honestly have to say I had trouble dislodging Iceman out of Cable's buttocks. Posted by Brandon Lee on 04:03:2001 07:27 AM: Iron Man -greater power -greater stamina -ability to fly (Texan players would fly, cancel flying to block, then fly again to confuse Cable) -better anti-air -more infinite set-ups Posted by *Dp on 04:03:2001 07:40 AM: "(Texan players would fly, cancel flying to block, then fly again to confuse Cable)" O_o ?????? What exactly is this suppose to mean besides me living in TX? REALPLAYER: I'll try that against rushdown as for BH/Iceman yea they kinda go together since every BH demon stomp equals a free blocked icebeam. Posted by Brandon Lee on 04:03:2001 07:48 AM: quote: Originally posted by *Dp "(Texan players would fly, cancel flying to block, then fly again to confuse Cable)" O_o ?????? What exactly is this suppose to mean besides me living in TX? Ask Dr. Deelittle, Javi, and others what I am talking about. Iron Man players were flying above Cable's AAA and dropping smart bombs. Whenever Cable attacked to try to hit Iron Man out of the air, the Iron Man player canceled the flight and blocked. Then called in his assist, put Cable on the defensive and attacked from above again. A weak explanation. Ask them. From what I heard, they were among of the first few people to use Iron Man as a Cable killer at high levels of competition. And no, I did not mean to stereotype Texans. Posted by *Dp on 04:03:2001 08:05 AM: quote: Originally posted by Brandon Lee Ask Dr. Deelittle, Javi, and others what I am talking about. Iron Man players were flying above Cable's AAA and dropping smart bombs. Whenever Cable attacked to try to hit Iron Man out of the air, the Iron Man player canceled the flight and blocked. Then called in his assist, put Cable on the defensive and attacked from above again. A weak explanation. Ask them. From what I heard, they were among of the first few people to use Iron Man as a Cable killer at high levels of competition. And no, I did not mean to stereotype Texans. Well I see and play Dr.Deelite almost every friday and lol he doesn't use IM AT ALL from the times we played.As far as I know Skye (I never have seen him play, have you?) is the only person to use IM REALLY well in tourny comp as far as I know.At first I didn't what you were talking about cause syke is the only person I have heard of that does the above strat. but now I do =). "Iron Man player canceled the flight and blocked." Well I'm not sure, but I think this is one of the 'situations' I was talking about when you can't block. Posted by Brandon Lee on 04:03:2001 08:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by *Dp Well I see and play Dr.Deelite almost every friday and lol he doesn't use IM AT ALL from the times we played.As far as I know Skye (I never have seen him play, have you?) is the only person to use IM REALLY well in tourny comp as far as I know.At first I didn't what you were talking about cause syke is the only person I have heard of that does the above strat. but now I do =). "Iron Man player canceled the flight and blocked." Well I'm not sure, but I think this is one of the 'situations' I was talking about when you can't block. They told me of this. When I said ask them, I didn't mean them. It was a guy they were watching. I don't know when it was... Ask DarthSalamander...during that day, he was using Rogue's Kiss assist to set up Iron Man's Proton Cannon (I think?). If he remembers, ask him about the Iron Man guy. Posted by *Dp on 04:03:2001 08:13 AM: That 'Guy' is NooNoo who plays in SA. you live in TX? Posted by Brandon Lee on 04:03:2001 08:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by *Dp That 'Guy' is NooNoo who plays in SA. you live in TX? NooNoo. Okay, I'll have to look out for him... No, I don't live in TX. Posted by silenttiger on 04:03:2001 01:19 PM: I have to go with Iceman. I play both characters but the advantages with Iceman are his speed, chipping, beam priority, resistance to block damage, air combo xx to arctic attack. In matches against IronMan, Iceman is favored because of his resistance to beams. This resistance to block damage also applies to smartbombs which for whatever reason get thrown at me a lot by people who play IM by staying in the air and continously dropping bombs; to no avail. I've been able to chain the launch to air combo with Iceman a lot more easily than with other characters. His crouching wk has amazing priority and leads into combos. Iceman also has a ground chain that I've seen done that takes off good damage as well. Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 04:03:2001 02:49 PM: Also a side note your less likely to get your ass beat in real life if you pick Iron Man over that sorry ass Iceman Posted by Lord Doom on 04:03:2001 02:53 PM: I perfer Ironman because of his infinite and his Proton Cannon. Posted by xlSilentDeathlx on 04:18:2001 04:52 AM: i would say iornman he is better overall in every area against iceman Posted by Wind on 04:18:2001 04:57 AM: I would have to say Ironman. He has better mobility and has the infinite. He also takes less damage than Iceman. Posted by Unreallystic on 04:18:2001 06:25 AM: I have to go with IronMan on this one. Iceman does have some key match-ups, but Ironman has many more. Ironman has more trapping power as well. Several times Iceman assist have been mentioned, but Ironman's sets up... hyper grav magnetic tempest 3AHVB inferno xx judgment day Hailstorm into air combo into lightning storm 5XDrone Fleet War Machine infinite Pretty much everyone's air combo etc. I meant to say his AAA. Trying to compare the characters to how they play against Cable is bad, Cable annialtes too many things in the game. He can out right rape both of them if they even attempt a projectile on the ground, both of their recoveries are too bad. Ironman builds super well as does Iceman, but Iceman needs the super bar to do damamge (air combo). In in close combat, I would perosnally take Ironman, he has so many nasty tricks and damamging comboes he can "easily" setup. Iceman only has two worhtwhile combos. At a distance they are very similar, ground beam, can be done in air, and a real slow dropping projectile. Iceman as a projectile which goes horizontally, but Ironman has his anti air move. Iceman doesn't take chip from everyone. Iceman takes damamge like a pixie though. Ironman I *believe* is at 100%. Iceman apears to have a very limited offensive game, but Ironman has a shitload of them. I am persoanlly inclined to give it to Ironman. Posted by AmScott on 04:18:2001 06:41 AM: quote: Originally posted by *Dp Not to flame you or anything, but could you give few reasons why he's better in the game rather than spamming. thanks That wasn't spamming. It was just non-specific and off-the-wall reasons why Iron Man is better (which he is ). Posted by G-Blodia on 04:18:2001 07:19 AM: Iron Man wins w/helpers. Iceman will always win 1 on 1. Posted by Mulliggan on 04:18:2001 11:06 AM: One thing u didnt mention on icemans part is his freeze throw, which then u can put in a ground combo or air combo, im really not sure on who is better cause i got spanked a bit back with team infinite while using iceman but im pretty sure that was becasue he was jes a better overall player. Posted by DarthSalamander on 04:18:2001 11:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by Brandon Lee They told me of this. When I said ask them, I didn't mean them. It was a guy they were watching. I don't know when it was... Ask DarthSalamander...during that day, he was using Rogue's Kiss assist to set up Iron Man's Proton Cannon (I think?). If he remembers, ask him about the Iron Man guy. WTF? I never use either of these characters. hehe Posted by Sentinels Force on 04:18:2001 01:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by *Dp Okay, well I'm going to say Ironman cause he can put up a fight against cable his Fierce Uni-beam (which does as much damage as an icebeam which is 5% when blocked and about 2% more when point blank) can't be AHVB'd he has flight but for some reason whenever you cancel flight in a curtain situations your vulnurable to attacks anyone know why? Then IM has the infinite which you have to watch out for.Let's not forget about his AC that gives as much damage as a unglitched Juggy headcrush(4 hits) which is 58 set on damage 2 settings. So that's my opinion on the two. So who do you think is better? in my opinion iron man is way better he has better offense and he has infinite that is so easy to catch on anybody Posted by Fraptree on 04:19:2001 09:52 AM: In a one-on-one fight with Iceman. Icey would take it. but since this is a game with assists I would Iron man. considering he has more options to attack and defend with. Posted by Archangel21 on 04:19:2001 02:29 PM: hmmm... to me it's ironman but if you put them together then they do chip damages even though you block... *how do you make those messages appear by your name?* Posted by That One Guy on 04:19:2001 02:37 PM: Iron Man is better than Iceman. Even if Iceman doesn't take chip damage from speicial moves made of energy (hadoken, viperbeam, unibeam, and such...), Iron Man has high priority combos, and a good keep away game, too. Posted by *Dp on 04:20:2001 02:45 AM: "That wasn't spamming. It was just non-specific and off-the-wall reasons why Iron Man is better (which he is )." WTF!? Who are you? His boyfriend? I asked people to give in game 'specifics' on why, saying he "looks cool and has superior technology" is not something that is really going to matter when playing that's what I meant when I said 'reasons'. Posted by DavestA on 04:20:2001 03:24 AM: quote: Originally posted by WhiTe ReFlection assist wise...i think iceman is better... since the icebeam comes out faster than solar also does a good chipping damage. iceman is also faster and his no block damage! no way . IM anti air Assist hella good aHVB setup All times are GMT. The time now is 12:08 AM. 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